featured stud
AL Jabal Arabians

Owner : Maya Jones
Algiersch CH-8896 Flumserberg
Tel : +43 664 4414 810
E-Mail : info@aljabalarabians.com
Website : www.aljabalarabians.com
In Switzerland, nestled in between a famous mountain chain – the Churfirsten – one can find the small breeding farm of Maya Jones / AL JABAL ARABIANS.
What has started in 1979 with the purchase of a six month old colt (an Ibn Galal/EAO son out of a Marah/EAO daughter), has over the years developed into a deep love and passion for Straight Egyptian Arabian Horses of the Abayyan Um Jurays strain. Until today, Maya is always proud to open the stable doors and warmly welcome visitors from all over the world.