Is a real treat for all Arabian Horse lovers. The film is made by American “SeaCastle Films”. It is filmed on location in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Great Britain, Kentucky, and California with the Saudi Equestrian riders, the Oman Royal Cavalry, National Jumping Champions, National Dressage Champions, National Western Champions, National Working Cowhorse Champions.
It shows a soaring panorama of the horse that began in Arabia and went on to create Empires and champions today in every category.
“This is a truly exciting history from the early to the modern evolution of the Arabian horse. Learn about the breed that has made more of an impact on modern breeds than any other.” – ARABIAN HORSE ASSOCIATION
This one hour film was written, produced and directed by award-winning filmmaker Jo Franklin, president of SeaCastle Films. She is noted for her eight highly-acclaimed productions on Saudi Arabia and the Near East, all of which have appeared in prime-time broadcasts on the Public Broadcasting Service. “One of the Top 100 Film Producers in the US” by Millimeter Magazine, Ms. Franklin is a rider and breeder of Arabian horses. She is a member of the Arabian Horse Association, the Pyramid Society, and the World Arabian Horse Organisation.
For more information visit